Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday Treat.

Spartanettes, today is going to be our longest workout, but not as intense. We will be working on a few things and only a few should get your heart rate going, but not as much as normal. You can expect a pretty easy workout today compared to the last two dungeon workouts, but do expect a longer workout.
We will be doing a full body workout, and Tons of Abs. We need to work on Core exercises and stamina. Since today is probably going to be another HOT day, please make sure to drink TONS of water and bring either a lot of water or Gatorade with you. Being that today will be at least an hour workout (Not including warm up time) you will need tons of fluids. Make sure as always to eat something at least an hour before your workout.
As I have mentioned before, try and get 30 minutes to an hour of stretching per week, and if you can work in some YOGA make sure to do so. You should see your cardiovascular endurance improving by now, and I have really seen a tremndous difference. Since we only workout two days a week, you also need to make sure you are either attending all workouts, and then adding a third or even a fourth workout to your own routine. Add maybe a day of 45 minute walking, and or some easy cardio, swimming, biking etc.
If your concern is to drop Lbs make sure to fine tune your diet, Diet is about 80% of your weight loss. You can do all the working out you want, but if you are not watching what you are eating, you will not only see a difference in your performance, but also on the scale.
Look forward to seeing you tonight.


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