Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kettlebell Wed.

Endurance, Strenght and Stamina is what you will need today.. Today's concentration is KB Training. We are going a tough 3 Rounds of action today. We will be resting in between sets, so have some water ready or a recovery drink. The workout will gradually build up, and on thursday you should be sore, especially on your thighs. I am only telling you this so you can plan your workout for thursday accordingly. The workout for today is as follows:
1) Dynamic Warm up
2) Indian Runs-1/2 mile run
Round 1:
KB Squats 20 Reps
KB Upright Rows 20 reps
KB Squat with upright rows 20X
**Pull up hangs 1 minute
Horses 2X
5X Prison Push ups
1/2 Mile Run
Round 2:
KB Curls 10X each side
KB Shoulder Press 10X each Side
KB Tricep Extension 10X each side
KB Squats Goblet Squats 20X
KB Stand ups 10X each side
Up Downs 10
1X Horse, 1X Bear Crawl, 1X Horse
6 prison Push ups
1 Mile Run
Round 3:
KB Swings 2 hand midway 25X
KB Swings full 25X
KB One hand swings 25X
****Static Squat 1 minute
3X horses.. 2 Regular and one reverse
8 Prison Push ups
Knee Tucks
100 Crunches/50 push ups

If you have running shoes, please bring them..

Nice easy workout on Monday, but dont get used to it.

Since we were off for almost a week, we had a good, short, fairly intense workout, but not extremely tough. Dont get used to it.!! I wanted to make sure we picked up the cardio, so that we can again step up our workouts.

As mentioned yesterday, we have 3 more 300's and a few other challenging workouts before we wrap it up for about a month or two.

Great job to everyone, below you can click on the link to check out yesterdays pics
Pics of camp

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Monday

First of all, wanted to send Kudo's to Tim, LaVance, Donnie and Kinan for participating in the Cap 10K Run. We had a fun time, hopefully next time we will have more Spartans and eventually all Spartans will join us.

Back again, hope everyone had a great weekend. The 300 is fast approaching and today we are going to concentrate on our endurance and hopefully increase our strenght for pull ups and ability to perform transitions. PLEASE make sure to bring a Jump Rope today, the Jump Rope fun continues.
Dynamic Warm up
JR-2 minutes
Box Jumps with Bear Crawls
JR-2 minutes
Negative pull ups with Duck Walks
JR-2 minutes
Split Squats with box jumps
1 mile run
Abs, few exercies

Should be a quick and intense workout. Also, dont forget April is our last month before we take one to two months off. We also have our "Funathon-Workout" coming up at the end of April right before our Final 300. If you are interested in participating, please let me know and please make your tax deductable donation to my March of Dimes March for Babies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thursday Workout???

Let me know your thoughts if you plan on attending a Thursday workout, if I dont hear from you, I will cancel until Monday. I have heard from a few people that either have plans or are doing something else on thursday. I could use this time for some TRI Training, so please post a comment if you are coming or not.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Spartan Bulletin

· Spartans, for those of you who attended Shadowboxing last night, hope you had a good workout. Please note, there will be NO CAMP today or tomorrow. I plan on resuming Camp on Thursday. If you are not going to be at camp on Thursday, please let me know. If there is no interest in camp on thursday, we can cancel until next Monday.

· I am also going to be setting up a WORKOUT-A-THON (April 20-25th) where the funds will benefit my March of Dimes March for Babies March on May 9th. I will be sending out a note for anyone interested in participating. I will have certified Trainers on site, a nutritionist, a chiropractor, and hopefully a company that sells supplements to talk to you about how and when to take supplements. (Stay tuned for details)

· For those of you kids, we are also going to raise funds via a "Baby-Sit-a-Thon" by a certified and registered childcare provider, stay tuned for details and location.

· Lastly, I also hope to have Free passes to Gold's gym, and possibly a "Free" trainer session. All that I will ask in return is a $20.00 minimum donation to the March of Dimes March. http://www.marchforbabies.org/peteotero

· This weekend is the Cap 10K, a few of us will be running, so feel free to come out and support you fellow Spartans.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Get your Rocky on today!

Spartans, a friendly reminder that today, we are going at 24 Hour Fitness for a Shadow boxing workout courtesy of Veronica. The class starts at 5:45 Pm, and based on my experience a couple of weeks ago, the class fills up fast so try and get there a little early. Be ready to sweat and hit muscles you have or may not have felt before. It is going to be up to you how hard you push, but I can guarantee you that if you push hard enough, you will sweat and burn some calories. This will be a good change of pace from what we do.
Click here for class details
Here is the link to the pass: https://www.24hourfitness.com/PromoOfferHome.do?promoCode=CLUBPASS
Where: Arboretum (behind the Saltgrass)
When: 5:45pm – 6:30pm

We will resume again on Wed, and be ready for the final stretch of this sessions Spartan Camp. We are going to increase our game, and steadily get better. We have 3 more "300's" to go, the second round of the previous 300 and the last and final 300.. So be ready..

Click here for class details

Spartans Come out and play!

Spartans, the weekend is here and time to step up our game. If you are interested in joining me for the festivities, they kick off at Town Lake for a crisp and easy 3 or 5 mile jog around beautiful town lake. You can choose the distance you want to go...

Shortly after the brisk warm up jog around the lake, we will be going to Austin High for a smooth and easy Tire Flipping workout and possible log exercises. Unfortunately for us, the tires that Hendrickson once had are now gone, so we have to find a new venue and Ausitn High is perfect. In addition to Tire flips we will perform a few box jumps. This workout will not involve any running or additional drills since you will already be warm from the easy jog.

Once we are done with the "easy" warm up, I personally will be attending Gold's gym at Tech Ridge for an 11:30 Am Yoga class to get a good stretch to my now tiring muscles. This will then be wrapped up with a 1/4-1/2 mile swim and a few minutes in the Sauna. If you dont have a Gold's membership but would like to go, you can get a Free week pass at http://www.goldsgym.com/

The fun continues again on Sunday. Since I am training for a Triathalon, I will be going for an easy and relaxing 20 mile bike ride which should take about 45 minutes to an hour. This ride will take place in the Hills of lovely Pflugerville on the back roads. If you are interested in joining me, please either call or email me so that we can make plans to meet somewhere. Following the Ride, it is time to relax for a fun and exciting weekend to come.

**Dont forget on Monday, camp will be moved to 24Hour Fitness for a fun 45 minutes of sweat and punching workout at Veronica's Shawdow Boxing workout. Stay tuned for details.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A great Track Session on Wed.

Great Job, Spartans. Hope you enjoyed our trackworkout. We will be doing this workout or a similiar workout at least once a month. This style workout should and will get you faster and will build your endurance. Below are the recorded times for everyone, your goal as always is to beat your time on future runs. Dont forget, on Monday we are going to be attending a Shadow Boxing class, and I will post a Free week coupon, so make sure you print it out. Also, I will update my blog tomorrow with Saturday's activities, feel free to join me, the more the merrier.

Name Lap 1 Lap 2
Joe 1:49 1:46
LaRhond 2:35 3:03
Donnie 1:31 1:33
LaVance 1:23 1:32
Tim 1:53 1:46
Thomas 1:23 1:27
Sherri 2:53 3:07
Jason 1:39 1:36
Laura 1:37 1:47
Alan 1:55 1:29
Step 1:39 1:37
Nick 1:38 1:38
Mark 1:20 1:34
Great times put in by many, great job by Birthday Boy, Joe. He reduced his time by 3 seconds, Tim dropped 7 seconds, Jason 3 seconds, Allan an amazing 26 seconds (Guess someone was not pushing the first time around), our new Spartan Step, 2 Seconds and Nick stayed the same.

Welcome New Spartan, Steph! Great job on Day one.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On a Low Carb Diet, and like pasta and chips??

The bottom line easiest and fastest way to lose weight is to go on a low carb diet, Period! The problem with Low carb diet for some is the love of crunchy foods, bread and pasta.. Well, in the last month or so I came across a "Miracle" Pasta. It is a japanese noodle called Shiritaki. It is a Carb Free, almost calorie Free pasta. You can get a 7oz package for about $1.99 and it only has about 30 calories and 2G of fiber to go with about 2G of protein. The great thing about this noodle is that it absorbs the flavor of whatever you are cooking even though the pasta itself is relatively tasteless. You can find Shiritaki at any Asian market and there are tons on Lamar. Make sure you look in the cold section by the Tofu. It is in a bag filled with water and almost ready to eat.

A second great find is a Veggie Chip. On a low carb diet you can basically eat all the "Green Vegetables" you want which also include onions, zucchini, green beans, peas, etc. What you can do is take your favorite veggies, season them with Sea Salt, and Olive oil. Then put them in the oven and let them bake for about 6-8 hours.. the result will be crunchy veggies that are a great chip replacement.

Speed and Stamina Workout (New Location today)

Today we will be working on Speed and Stamina. We will be meeting at Kelly Lane Middle School at the track in the back. Kelly lane is located on Falcon Pointe Drive. After the workout, we will be celebrating Joe's B-Day at the Blackhawk Pool, so bring your favorite beverage.

For today's workout we will be doing the following:
1X400 Meter Warm up Jog
1X400 Meter Run 75%
1X400 Meter Run with Push ups at the turn (Jog)
1X400 Meter Run with Push ups at the Turn 75%
100 Yard Horses
**Directions to Kelly Lane Middle School: Go past the stop sign and past the fire station. The first right will be Falcon Pointe Drive, take a right. Go about 1/4 mile and on the right side is Kelly Lane Middle School. Drive to the back of the school and you will see the track.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

300 Aftermath

Great job to everyone yesterday, as you probably noticed 300 2.0 is slightly tougher than the first 300. We will be working to improve everyones time, and if you can do an additional two days of workouts you will be in better shape to shed your time a few minutes.
I would like to congratulate our TOP Spartan, Thomas Stow. Great job, Thomas. Also, would like to acknowledge Alan C who may just be the oldest Spartan, but finished second beating up younger Spartans. In addition, Tim Randle did a great job finishing third overall along with Laura G.. Laura has been on fire since joining Spartant camp, once she gets pull ups down, she will be a force to be reckoned with.
Name Time
Pete Otero 16:45
Thomas Stow 23:45
Laura Guzman 23:58
Tim Randle 24:33:00
Alan Chan 24:37:00
LaVance Randle 24:52:00
Donnie Phelps 25:07:00
Tre Gilbert 25:53:00
Mark N 26:10:00
Valdrew Miller 27:27:00
Ndegwa 27:31:00
Joe Ribaudo 29:02:00
LaRhonda 35:19:00
Sherri 37:46:00
Felicia 44:22:00

For Wednesday's workout, please remember that after our workout we will be celebrating Spartan Joe Ribaudo's B-Day.. Ill send you details on the meeting place. Also, we may be working out at the Hendrickson Track instead of the school. Stay tuned for details.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The 300 2.0

Today is version 2.0 of the 300. Below is our workout for todays routine, and it is going to be more challenging than before. However, please note, the previous 300 was hard, and it got easier. This time around, the 300 2.0 will also get easier. See you at the Battlefield.

The 300 2.0
50 Push ups
20 Pull ups
30 KB Swings
20 Prison Push ups
20 Box Jumps
10 Russian Twists
1 Mile Run
50 Push ups
20 Pull ups
30 KB Swings
20 Prison Push ups
20 Box Jumps
10 Russian Twists

On a side note, to those Spartans that worked out on Saturday, great workout. Personally I am a bit sore from the Shadowboxing. Kudos to Veronica on a great class.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekend Warriors

Saturday is going to be a hopefully busy Saturday morning. For anyone interested, we are going for a little jog around Town lake and will be meeting at 7:30Am under the Mopac Bridge. Shortly after the run, we will tail over to see our very own, Shadow boxer, Veronica for a free training session at 24Hr fitness.
After a grueling 45 minutes of boxing, Yoga is going to be on the agenda to cool down and stretch my soon to be aching muscles. Yoga is at Gold's Gym Tech Ridge at 11:30. Join if you can.
On a personal note, the Tri training is intensifying and so I will personally need to add some laps around the pool and a nice long bike ride. If I am unable to get in some pool time on Saturday, then the hope is to get some laps in on Sunday along with a 20 mile bike ride. All points to June, the P-Ville Tri. The training for the Tri should be able to provide good fitness for the "Beach to Bay" Marathon in Corpus.... The workouts have started and will be intense moving forward. Feel free to join anytime.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Camp is cancelled for Wed 3/11/09

Due to bad weather, we are cancelling camp today, and will resume back again on Monday.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spartan Events

Spartans, if anyone is interested in the following races/events, let me konw. I will be training for each and everyone of these. You are welcome to join me, and we can workout details as to where we can meet, etc.
2009 Pflugerville Triathalon June 09'

Beach to Bay
**We have a team of 6 Spartans making the trip to Corpus for this one, but if you want to field a team, please do so. This is a great run for a great cause.

Cap 10K
**This should be a fun and challenging run, this run is one of the bigger ones in Austin.

March of Dimes March for Babies:

Schlotzsky’s Bun Run
**This run is pretty fun, and pretty easy, but do expect some hills.

San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon
**This one will be my own personal crowning achievement. This will be my first marathon and I look forward to this challenge.

Spartan Challenge Results

Hope everyone is feeling good after a fantastic workout. Great job to everyone who attended Monday's workout. You may and should be a little tender today, but yesterday when you went home you should have felt it, especially if you pushed yourself. Below are the results for the challenge and congrats to those of you who are now the Top Spartan in each of the categories. Great job to Ndegwa our Push up champion (91 Average), Donnie Pull ups (30), Box Jumps (36.5) a tie between our newbie Jason and Thomas, and on back to back events, Jason pulled out the Cable pulls. Last, but not least by any means, LaVance Randle anchored in the best run at 7:10.

Name Push Up Pull up Box Jump Cable Pulls 1Mile Run
Joe 39.5 4.5 22 175 8:21
Matt 33.5 3.75 23.5 125 11:58
Julie 41 22 26 170 9:08
LaRhonda 39.5 22 21 130 12:47
Donnie 88 30 18.5 120 9:04
LaVance 56 11.5 17 110 7:10
Valdrew 58 16 23.5 165 7:28
Tim 39.5 8.75 25 185 7:53
Thomas 65 20.5 36.5 205 7:51
Ndegwa 91 19.5 26.5 150 7:53
Sherri 28.5 7.5 13 70 12:43
Felicia 38.5 10 22 140 13:47
Jason 66 12.75 36.5 225 8:39
Laura 55 26.5 26.5 205 7:30
JC 57.5 6 31 190 12:33
Alan 78 23.5 31 220 7:41

Your next challenge is to beat or meet the times you averaged yesterday. You should only get faster, stronger and better in time. This new routine will be a once a month routine around the same time as the 300 Challenge. Be on the lookout for the NEW 300 challenge coming your way on Wed. Should be a fun, exciting and rewarding workout on Wed.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Old School Training Monday

As we kick off month 2, today is another quick but intense session. I would like to thank Mark for this fantastic idea!! Today we are going to be maxing out on Push ups, pull ups, box jumps and a one mile run. We are pairing up with a partner and that partner is going to track your reps. All reps are going to be recorded and in one month will do this again. This is not replacing the 300, this is in addition to the 300. Our goal is to obviously get better at what we do, and this should help your 300 times. Keep in mind, this weeks 300 (Oh, did I say we are doing a 300??) will be tougher than month 1. So, this week will and should be relatively fast, but intense. Then next week we will resume our standard workouts. The good thing is now that we have more light, our workouts dont have to be as intense, and can be slightly longer. My goal is always to have us out of camp in 30-45 minutes.

Today's workout is as follows:

One person will workout and then swap with the other.

Round 1:

Max Push ups for one minute

Max pull ups for one minute

Max box jumps for one minute

Resisted Sprints for one minute

1 mile run

**Repeat all exercises, but the run.

I will be writing down your times, and will take an average of both rounds. The person who is doing round 1 will run the one mile run with their partner. Upon the return, the partner is going to start the workout.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The day after the 300..

The 300 Challenge Results and info..

Great job to everyone yesterday, everyone that had previously done the 300 decreased their time. Times are posted below, and a big congrats to Robert Ndegwa, who has once again claimed his top spot as the Top Spartan. Ndegwa decreased his time by almost 8 minutes since last 300. A big congrats also to Valdrew Miller who decreased his time almost 12 minutes, he went from 30 minutes to 18.. Joe Ribaudo, went from 32 minutes to 22 minutes and best of all, really did well on his 1/2 mile run and Tre Gilbert decreased his time by 7 minutes... Welcome aboard, Jason, Troy and welcome back, Veronica. You both did a great job as well.

Name 300 Time 1/2 mile Run Total
Mark N 12:22 3:25 15:47
Thomas 15:24 3:03 18:27
Donnie 11:43 3:17 15:00
Joe 18:14 3:59 22:13
Manuel 12:44 2:32 15:16
Ndegwa 9:35 3:07 12:42
Alan 13:50 3:59 17:49
Valdrew 14:56 3:07 18:03
Julie 16:27 4:25 20:52
Sherry 28:52 5:56 34:48
Troy 22:45 DNF DNF
Tre 12:57 2:58 15:55
Jason 18:13 3:43 21:56
Matt 15:27 5:20 20:47
Veronica 14:40 2:47 17:27
Felicia 19:33 5:49 25:22

You can find a few of the 300 pics below, I will be sending or uploading all the pics by tomorrow:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What is today?

Well, the guessing is over, today is the day!!! Today is "300" and I am very excited to see how everyone is going to do. We will be stretching a good amount and will be warming up a little more than usual so that your muscles are ready to go, and you knock out your times. If you would like to know your time from last 300, send me a note and I will send it to you.
On Monday, we are going to do measurments and also, we will be doing our new 300. This is going to be for month 2, and do expect the workouts and the challenge to get tougher. But, as you have noticed by now, you will steadily improve and build stamina and strenght. See you at the Battlefield.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gearing up for a nice Wed workout.

I still dont know what we are doing on Wednesday, but I am sure I am going to think of a workout. However, I can tell you that if you plan on inviting any friends, you may not want to have them come out to camp tomorrow. Wait until Monday, when we kick off month 2.
In the meantime, i wanted to touch base on HR monitors. for those of you that have made the investment, and great investment, we need to make sure you are using them as best as possible. Most of the workouts we do are high intensity which means you should be at up to 85-90% of your max, and if you dont have a pct on your watch, take 220-your age and then multiply by 85%. Lets say you have a 30 year old, this persons max is going to be much higher than a 50 yr old. So, the math would be 220-30=190 Then take 190X.85=161 beats per minute. This typically is your max, however when we do sprints and any high intensity drills, you hR will get up to about 180-190.. You are going to be ok, but dont overdo it. Dont always keep your HR this high, when you are doing your own cardio, keep your HR about 65-75% of your max. the lower pct's help with weight loss, and since we only meet 2X per week, the higher intensity workouts will shock your body, and then you are doing more of an interval traiing.
Hope this helps, and see you on Wed..

Monday, March 2, 2009

Little over a month

We have been going strong for now just a bit over a month. At the end of every month, my goal is to do the 300, but today is not the day, so take this as a hint as to what we will be doing on Wednesday. Today is "hint" the final workout possibly before the 300, and this may just be the "Pre-300 workout", so when you see this workout, we may possibly be doing the 300 soon. Today's workout should be a relatively fast, yet intense workout. No weights are needed, only you and your drive. See you tonight at 5:30
Dynamic Warm up
Round 1
1) Squat Jacks 10, 10
2) Left and Right Turns 5, 5
3) Mountain Climber 10
Round 2
1) One leg Squat (L&R) 10
2) Jump Squat 10
3) Switch Leg Stance 10X 3 Squats
Round 3
1) 10 Yd jog/Push up
2) 10 Hills
3) Prison Push ups
Round 4
1) Static Squats
2) 50 Stair Climbs
3) Dips 10X
4) 10 Pull ups

****Steam Engines-50X
1 mile Run