Friday, December 31, 2010

Event the Great ones have hard times

I have never had a female as my inspiration, but Chrissie Wellington has to be without a doubt my idol when it comes to Triathalons. This year in Kona she withdrew from the race, and below is her blog.

Chrissie Wellington unexpectedly withdrew from Ironman Kona this year, citing an illness she couldn't shake on race day. It broke a winning streak that had lasted three consecutive years for the Brit.
Mirinda Carfrae, the 29-year-old Australian who took second last year, ended up taking first this time around.
Wellington would not speak to reporters right after the race, but she recently wrote this blog for Outside to explain the circumstances surrounding her withdrawal:
"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times," to quote Charles Dickens. In my shortish sporting career I have had my fair share of both--the ultimate highs and some lowish lows--exhilaration and pride, frustration and disappointment. Three weeks have passed since the World Ironman Championships. It’s been an incredibly difficult few weeks, physically and emotionally--but my runny nose and sore throat is abating and the rawness of what happened is beginning to fade. But before I try and explain the decision that I made I want to start off with a huge congratulations to the amazing Mirinda Carfrae. Her performance was nothing short of remarkable. She truly is a worthy World Champion.
I’d like to quickly elaborate on how I felt leading into the race and why I took the decision that I did. I started feeling slightly ill on Friday lunchtime, with a sore head and throat. I did my usual three short sessions that day but, on the run particularly, I knew something wasn’t quite right. My legs were like jelly and I was sweating much more than usual. My tired head hit the pillow at 7 p.m., and I woke up several times during the night literally drenched in sweat, my head pounding and feeling like my throat was closing. I got up at 3:45 a.m., had a shower, and went through my pre-race routine hoping that I would feel better. But nothing improved. I knew I had to make one of the toughest decisions of my life.
Like all athletes, I invest my heart and soul into getting myself in shape for Kona. I have so much respect for the race, and the huge toll it can take on your body even when you are 100% healthy. It is demanding and brutal, and competing when ill risks exacerbating any health problems. Furthermore, I believe I owed it to myself and all the other competitors to be able to give the performance I had trained so hard for. I am committed to excellence, and I want to race knowing that I am able to call on my body to fight the hardest and best fight possible. So that morning I sought counsel from those closest to me, but mostly tried to listen to my body, and what it was telling me. I said to myself, if I woke up on an ordinary day feeling like this would I train? The honest answer was no. At around 5 a.m. the decision was made. There was no going back.
Those that know me will understand how incredibly difficult, frustrating, and heart-wrenching it was to make that call. That’s not to say it wasn’t heart-wrenching the next few days, which were some of the hardest of my life. I was angry, I cried, I wallowed in self pity, I threw toys out of my pram, and I wasn’t even well enough to drown my sorrows in an alcoholic beverage. I was upset at not being able to do justice to all the hard work I had put in, I was angry that something as simple as a common cold had sidelined me, I was frustrated that I couldn’t test myself against all the other girls, and most of all I was deeply concerned that in losing my World Championship crown I had in some way lost my voice and platform and would no longer have the amazing opportunity to inspire, encourage, motivate, and spread important messages.
But after these initial, and sometimes irrational, "toys out of the pram" reactions had passed, I have embarked on the more rational, pain-staking process of learning and growing that must always come from any disappointment or setback. As when I broke my arm earlier this year I was determined to use this as a force for good, as an opportunity to help me grow stronger and as something that would benefit me in the future, not just in sport but in my life generally.
Yes I could sit here feeling sorry for myself, reflecting on what might have been, but ultimately wallowing in self pity doesn’t help me, or anyone else. I will look to the future and all the opportunities it will bring--putting the events behind me and moving on to fight another day. This is sport. As I have always said, it has ups and downs. Highs and lows. It is a mountain I must climb. No different from any other I have climbed, and scaled, before. I know that whether or not I am a good, successful, and well-rounded person does not depend solely on my race performances. I am no longer the "World Champion" but I can still be a champion--on and off the course. I am not a machine. I am human. I fall off my bike, I get angry, I get frustrated, and I get sick. I am by no means perfect, but I am so incredibly fortunate to have already achieved so much in my life and I know that I might get knocked down, but I will rise up and be the champion that I want myself to be.
I want to give my deepest thanks to my amazing family, friends, and sponsors who have been with me every step of the way and to everyone around the world who has sent me messages of support and encouragement. I really do appreciate it. And, once again, my heartfelt congratulations to the two incredibly worthy World Champions, Mirinda and Chris [McCormack].
No looking back. Only forward. The journey to Kona 2011 begins here and the fire in my belly is already burning.

Monday, December 27, 2010

And we move forward

So much going on and learning so much as I go. My training is going well, but have had some setbacks on my Marathon Training. In the last month I hit a mental wall I finally got over two weeks ago. My training is mostly done during the week on a treadmill and around my home. On weekends, I like to stroll down Town Lake in Austin. The trail I typically run in is a 10 mile loop and for some reason anytime I want to go more than 10 I can never mentally do it. Basically, I don’t like to go around the same places twice, so when I finish my 10 miler, I am done mentally.
Because of this, I started to get concerned that I am not training properly and or I am just not improving. So, I decided two weeks ago to do a 14 miler in my neighborhood. The only bad thing is that it is very lonely and the scenery is not as nice. In any event, I decided to run in my neighborhood and had a decent run. I ended up getting over my mental block and so I went ahead and ran my 18 miler at home as well. For this run, I ended up having to walk a bit and ran very slow and in addition to all this the balls of my feet were killing me. The only good news was that my knees did not hurt at all. At the end of my run, I decided to take an Ice bat, and boy did that hurt.
This weekend, I get to scale down to only 12 miles, but I am going to go ahead and run 14 again since I was supposed to do 20 last week and only did 18. The last two weeks have been Christmas and so the food intake has not been good, and mentally I have not been there. Today I returned to the gym and just did not have it, so I rode the bike. Tonight I am going to scale down to 3 miles and tomorrow for a confidence booster I am running indoors on the treadmill so I can prove to myself I can go fast than I have been and let go.
This week is going to be a long mileage week, but I am ready for the challenge. In addition to my running I have started working on stretching more and more and also this week I incorporate weight training again. Biking, swimming and weights should really help and during weight training will be adding HIT training to help with my anaerobic conditioning. We will see how things go and the most important commitment this week and for two weeks is EATING GOOD.. This means no junk food and going to eat lean meats, veggies and most importantly the weekend I will NOT have a mental breakdown like I do almost all weekends. This will be for two weeks and lets see how I feel, plus I can lose the weight I have gained in the last week.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today's workout

Back in the gym today, swim and stretch. Today's workout will be a fast one, but intense. Below is the gym workout and cardio. Today is my running day off, so have to get in some cardio and not run to shock my body.
Weights: HIT Training (High Intensity Training Day)
Non Stop, for time.
Stretch in Sauna for about 15 minutes
Squats (Light) 135Lbs X 15 reps
Jump Rope
DB press 65Lb X10
Jump Rope
Pull ups (Very slow and holding at the top)
Jump Rope
DB Thrusters
Jumpe Rope
DB Curls
Jump Rope
Bike 5 minutes at level 25
Swim 1.4 Mile

In the afternoon, going to work on stretching and always do as many pull ups and push ups as I can while watchign TV. Will also be doing a bit of AB wheel exercises.


1/3 of the way there.

I am closing in on week 7, and am almost there. The marathon training is going well, feeling a bit faster and the miles have started to increase. Only 11.5 weeks to go, and then its on. Before, Austin I have the 3M half-marathon.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to concentrate on swimming, biking and weights. My weights are down to about 1-2X per week, definitely need to step this up. The running has been consistent with the exception of Kobi's birth and being sick.
Moving forward, will be working on stretching and need to fine tune my routine and make sure I do not miss workouts.
As for diet and weight... the diet is up and down, and once I can get it down, i should start losing weight and increase my speed. Unfortunately for me, I have not been eating the best foods I could and so the weight has not quite gone down. I need to be at 185Lbs by race day, and I have been saying this for quite a while so this is a stretch.
The good side of this all is that I am feeling faster, but am losing mass so I have to choose my battles. Moving forward i will continue doing my High Intensity Training, will add a little swimming and 1X per week get on the bike. I have to truly want this and in order to achieve what I want, I have to want it more than anything else. Overall this will impact my life with my family and job. 1/3 of the way down, now its time to step up my game.