Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Diets, my two favorites

Your options..

1) If you can do without bread and carbs, then you can do Atkins, South Beach or the TNT. TNT is my favorite because you can eat veggies (as much as you want) and some carbs before and after your workouts. The nice thing about this, is there is no calorie counting, just stay away from Carbs and you will be golden. You consume as much as 20 Net Carbs per day. Fiber does not count, so for example if you have a meal that has 50G Carbs, and 45G’s are Fiber, you would only count 5 towards your 20.
Example Day:

Breakfast: Omelete (Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, mushrooms, Cheese, Spinach) topped with Sour Cream) and a glass of Crystal Light (Sunrise)

Mid morning Snack: a low carb bar, or Macadamia nuts and HEB Beef Sticks

Lunch: Grilled chicken Salad (Grilled Chicken, Avocadoes, tomatoes, Olives, Brocolli, Cheese and Ranch)

Late Snack: Tablespoon of Peanut butter

Dinner: Steak (Any steak and size or Fish) Asparagus, Side Salad with anything.

Always drink your weight X.60 for the amount of ounces. So, lets say you weigh 147Lbs, then you would multiply 147X.60=88.20 ounces per day.
Vitamins: Multi Vitamin, Omega 3

2) The zone Diet.. The only downfall to this is that you have to be conscious of gram counting. Follow the guidelines below and you will be golden. The nice thing about this is you can eat whatever you want, but its about balance.
Example Day:
2 Egg Whites/ Turkey Sausage/ and 1 Cup Oatmeal

Lunch: Two Beef Fajita Tacos (Only 1.5 tortillas and about 4 oz of beef)

Snack: 100 calorie Popcorn with 3 oz of Beef nuggets (From HEB)

Dinner: 3 oz Chicken, Black Beans (One Cup) and a salad

Your main goal is to eat as many times as you want, but NEVER exceed the Grams below. You need balance and can eat whatever you want, but make sure that you balance out your food.

Protein: 20G
Carbs: 30G
Fat: 10G

Rule of thumb, count 1-2-3.. Example: If you have a meal that has 20G of protein, divide by 2 and that equals your FAT, and multiply times 1.5. This way you can calculate your Grams.

Hope this helps and last thing, when eating, try and stay away from HIGH Glycemic Index foods. See my blog on the right side for High Glycemic Foods.

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