Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Session

Spartans, today is going to be a challenging day. We are as you may have noticed slowly incorporating the 300 into our workouts. My goal is to help you reduce your times, and also increase your fitness level. You may ask yourself why we do some of the exercises we do? Many of the exercises we do, altough may not seem relevant to the 300, they are. When you do a lot of lets say push ups, pull ups, running etc when we have our 300 challenge it will only get easier for you. As we round out month 1 and do our 300 challenge, expect camp to get tougher, but eventhough it is going to be tougher, you will not necessarily notice how much harder it has gotten, only because you are now used to the workouts and your fitness level should be a lot better.
Keep in mind that by coming out to Spartan camp 2X a week, you are not going to improve a huge amount. You are going to need to do your own workout at least one or two more times per week. Also, DIET DIET DIET is key. Eating the proper foods for fuel is going to be vital when you are out at the Battlefield.
For today's workout below are the exercises and I am adding a little more info:

1) Warm up (Led by Mr LaVance Randle)
Group Exercise:
1) 2X Walking lunges-We will be doing walking lunges for 50 yards with Kettlebells. You will be holding your kettlebell and will do a walking lunge about 50 yards. Once you are done, you will jog back and start again. Depending on the number of Spartans we have out, you will be broken out in groups so that we are organized when doing our walking lunges.
2) 100 yard Gasers with push ups: We will be running a 100 yd jog, and every 10 yards you will drop and do push ups (Advanced-10, intermediate 5 and beginner 1).. Once we reach the 100 yards, we will do 20 Russian Twists (Everyone).

Once we are done with the group exercises, we will break out in groups and we will be performing 4 Rounds.
Round 1 Pull up Burpee Combo
**Stand under a pull up bar and do one pull up followed by one prison push up. This will be done for 2 minutes. Once the two minutes are up, you get two minutes to rest and repeat.
Round 2: Snatch and Crawl
We will have a barbell with weight set up, you will pick up the barbell in a snatching motion, then perform 2 reps of shoulder press. Once you are done, you will bear crawl for 10 yards, and jog back. We will perform 4 sets of this exercises
Round 3 Agility Sprints
In a straight line, you will run 3/4 speed for 40 yards, stop and pedal backwards 5 steps, and forward 5 steps, then run sideways for 5 steps, back 5 and forward 5.. Once you go back and forth 5 times, you will turn around and run back.
Round 4 Box Overs
Standing in front of a box, you will jump over turnaround, and jump back, 20X. 2 total sets.

1 mile run
Abs: V-Roll ups, and leg lowering drill 25X Each.

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