Friday, May 10, 2013

Loving me some Live Soda

Recently I started drinking me some Live Soda, and this stuff tastes great and is good for you.  With probiotics and Kombucha, been feeling really good after drinking this nice little hidden gem.  here is some info I found about Kombucha and Probiotics.

Check out Live Soda at

What are the benefits?

Kombucha has reported detoxification and immunity enhancing properties. Analysis of the contents of kombucha confirms that it is rich in amino-acids, probiotics, antioxidants, glucuronic acid, trace minerals, B vitamins. Remember kombucha is a living, enzyme-rich drink. Kombucha contains organic acids, same acid found in vinegar, providing an antibacterial element.
Kombucha helps eliminate lactic acid produced by body, lactic acid is linked to muscle slowness and strain. Kombucha contains glucaric which has been provde to help detox the liver. Kombucha inhibits enzymes responsible for eliminating glucaronic acid. Kombucha contains probiotics which aids the immune system functions, however probiotics are only present in raw Kombucha. Kombucha contains B Vitamins which are used for energy production. Enzymes are also present in Kombucha these break down sugar and help your body process nutrients. Kombucha also contains electrolytes to help keep you hydrated. Lastly, Kombucha contains amino Acids and antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that block the action of free radicals (activated oxygen molecules that can damage cells).

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