Thursday, May 27, 2010

Congratulations Spartans/ettes

I wanted to congratulate you all once again on your remarkable accomplishments over the last month. Every single one of you smashed your previous times and have greatly improved your conditioning. Keep up the good work and continue working hard at whatever your goals may be. Your goals may be gaining weight, losing weight, running a 5K, marathon or half, and so whatever it may be, keep at it. As you can see based on your times yesterday, all you have to do is practice and believe in yourself.
I would also encourage you to join Laura and Donnie on Mondays and Wednesdays as they will continue working out. Maybe after Momma feels better we can pick it up again. For those of you who may want to workout more often, you can always reach out to Justin Gerrard, who came out Day one of the workout-a-ton as he has a 3X per week camp he runs. If you are at Gold’s Gym anytime around 7:00 AM, you can always join me for some weight or cardio training, always glad to have someone to workout with.
Lastly, thank you so much for the card and the awesome gift card. I will put the GC to use and buy some more gear for our next camp, and pick up some Tri equipment. More than anything, your words meant so much to me.. I am glad I was able to make a small difference in your fitness.

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