Wednesday, April 9, 2014

MRI Run Day 2

Good workout today, took the MRI Surge and Beta Charge and hit the gym.  Today was a pretty short workout doing 40 minutes of hills.. Didn’t have a chance to go outside so decided to run on the treadmill working on inclines, and speed.  Took the Surge around 11:30 and then the Beta right around 11:45.  Arrived at the gym around noon and the product had already kicked in.  Got my stretch in and hit the run.. The run started off a bit heavy, but right away got easier and easier.  I was able to push today, and felt pretty easy. 

Worked on hills and everything felt easy and I felt light.  Felt as if I was gliding and my HR did get a bit high at one point, but was pushing a 6:45 min mile.  As I began to slow down the HR began to slow down and ended up my workout with a farly low HR.  All in all, felt great and thumps up today to MRI.


Today’s workout:

1 mile warm up-1% incline, 6.8 MPH

When I hit the 10 minute mark, 6% incline and 5.5MPH, then declined the treadmill by 1% until I got to 1% incline and 8.5 MPH.


After I was done with the incline, left the incline at 1% and ran an easy 6.7MPH for about 1 mile.


Finished at around 40 minutes and completed about 4.67 miles

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