Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Setback on Marathon Training

As I have added mileage to my training, I have suffered my first setback of my training. Not sure if it is because of the added mileage or an injury. Been feeling tons of pain on my feet, especially the balls of my feet and at times the side of my feet. Taking some time off to rest my feet, and taking it easy but the real question is how to stay in shape while I rest for about two weeks?
1) Biking-Because there is not much impact on my feet riding a bike, i have been working on the stationary upright bike and have been riding various speeds. Trying to ride 30 minutes to an hour and the speeds are slow and tough. Been riding the maximum level which is 25, and at times I drop the resistance so that I can work on speed and making sure my hips are turning at faster speeds.

2) Swimming-Been swimming and also have been running in the pool.

3) Weight training-Working on hips and endurance so have been working out using HIT training.

On Wednesday I go to the Dr to get an X-Ray and hope that it is just a matter of days before I can start my running back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pete,
    Sorry to here of your setback, hope your diagnosis is positive. How old our your running shoes? (Why I ask is that shoes only have a 650km life before they don't provide the adequate support.) In Australia we have a new chain of specialist running shoe stores (active feet) that are run by podiatrists. They analyse your running pattern and try a variety of shoes to see your running response. I went to them for my last pair of shoes and ended up solving a chronic Achilles injury that had plagued me for years.
    What I'm trying to say is go a a specialist podiatrist to give you sound advice.

    Rowing is also another exercise that you could do in the mean time. And Stretch, Stretch Stretch...
