Friday, August 28, 2009

The Weekend Run.

Got my big 13.1 miler tomorrow and am anxious. Want to get it done, and get ready to hit some serious miles in the weeks to come. This is Week 8 of my Marathon training and have 10 more to go. I still find it hard to believe that I will be running 26.2 miles in Nov. I have been reading my training guide (Hal Higdon) and he said the same thing this week. Hal mentions that you begin to question yourself as "am I ready" and can I really run this? He goes to mention that you build up more and more every week.
I know I will be able to run, and am just anxious. Never did I think I would have been able to run 13, and now 13 does not seem like much. So, tomorrow is the first "real" run I have, and then it is building of mileage.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Running on an empty Gas..

This has been an extremely tough week for my own personal workouts. I feel as I am out of gas, and can not wait until my Day off. Days like tomorrow are key in my training. Without "rest" days, the body will not repair itself, and you will not grow or lose weight. I have seen that my body goes into defense mode and I do more harm than good when I dont take some time off.
Today, not only have I been super tired, but super hungry as well. Times like this, you need to listen to your body, and feed it fuel to help you repair and recover. Thanks goodness for Recovery drinks, and nutrition.
Tonight is a quick 3 mile run, and then a Day of REST REST REST...
Saturday is going to be a big day, I am heading out for a 13.1 mile run. This is the third time I have ever ran this much, and the miles will continue. I am ready for the challenge and the real challenge and mileage will begin now. Towards the end of my training, I am going to run 20 miles and then will taper off and get ready for the marathon. This again, will be a super huge accomplishment for myself.
In the meantime, the Spartanettes (now known as the 2 lonely wolves) had a super workout yesterday. Both Amy and Girlie pushed themselves and altough the workout was indoor, it was challenging for them both. Next week, the workouts are going to move to a controlled environment where they will be working out at the gym. The weight workouts are only a supplement to their 5K training. The 5K "Keep Austin Weird" is quickly approaching and I am excited to see them participate in such a cool event, and this is their first run. Good Spartanettes.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And the pain continues for us all.

In my own personal workouts, the pain and exhaustion continue.. Being extremely sore, I ran 6 miles this AM at a tempo pace. I ended up running a modest 54:04 for my 6 miles. However, it was super hard at first. My legs are super sore from Squats the other day, but HAVE to train. Tomorrow is an easy day, only 3 miles and then its rest day on Friday. Hoping to soak in some Epsom Salt to regenerate my muscles.

For the Spartanette training, today is Dungeon Training and will probably be one of the last workouts of the season. The weather is getting too hot, and daycare options are limited for our daughter. So, we are moving the party to Gold's gym and the workouts will continue there... In the AC and a lot more options for workouts. Should be fun.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Battlefield Beat Up!

My own personal marathon Training continues, and it seems to get tougher and tougher every day and every workout. I begun doing weights again yesterday and decided to go heavy. today, my legs feel like Jello... I had a 3 miler today, and the first mile seemed like I was running in cement.
The pain went away after the first mile, and finished pretty strong. However, currently I am dying. The pain is extreme, and thinking I have a 6 miler on Wed, 3 mile on thursday and 13.1 (Yes 13.1) on Saturday.. I am in more and more pain.
These are the times that on Nov 15th after 5 hours of running, I will have a HUGE sense of accomplishment. It takes so much time and dedication for Marathon training, but I have to accomplish my last goal of 2009.
As of now, i am running on Fumes.. I sure wish I would have ate better over the weekend, the fact that I ate horrible does not help. It has impacted my training tremendously.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to the Battlefield

Today will be a basic "weightlifting" style workout. There will not be much running, but will be working on functional movements, and will be working on explosive movements. The explosive movements will get your heart beat going.. We will work on raising and lowering your HR.. The best news, is NO running today.. or very minimal running.
Make sure to bring lots of water... Going to be another hot day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pool Wednesday

Today we are meeting at the Pool on Kenemere close to the Battlefield for a day of fun in the Pool. We will be stretching and then hitting the pool to work muscles you have not worked before. This will be a tough workout, but good for you since it is non impacting and you will be working muscles you typically dont work.

I am looking forward to seeing you all out at the Pool..

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekend Activities

Great class last night to my two Spartans, Girlie and Amy. I personally enjoyed the teacher, and the class was just right for a Rookie YOGI.. Great job to you ladies.
This weekend, is going to be a tough one for myself. Heading out for a 10 mile run in the AM, and then a bike ride hopefully both Sat and Sunday.

Spartanette, Girlie will once again kick in a two miler.. Good luck, Wifey.

Next week, as mentioned we are switching things up. Please make sure to purchase a Jump rope and I would recommend a weighted rope. They are easier to jump, and work your shoulders as well. You can find a good rope at Academy, Dick's, or Sports Authority and will run you about $5.00.

On Monday the majority of the class is indeed going to be Jumping Rope, but please do know that there will be a few other challenges you will have. It is always fun, so no worries.
Dont forget, Wed is POOOL time, and you will be swimming and working out. So, get ready, this one will be fun.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

YOGA Thursday..

YOGA Thursday
Part of "Change up" week is YOGA today. We will meet at Gold's Gym Techridge for a 5:45 PM class. This is going to help you tremendously, especially your flexibility. Next week is also going to be fun, we are going to do be doing things we have never done before. Just remember, at the end of August we get to redo our test and I am expecting to see some serious time drops.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Great JOB yesterday, Spartanettes

First I want to thank my Spartanettes for the Great B-Day Gift. I love my Shirt, Whistle and stop watch.. Thank you so much, just another reason to push you harder and harder to show my appreciation.
In all seriousness, Great job to you all yesterday.. As you can tell, this "Test" was a bit harder than last time, and all you can do from here is improve like you did last time. I know it was challenging especially when you add a run in the middle of the Test. You all did great, and fought through the pain and heat. I can not tell you how proud I am of you all.
As mentioned yesterday, dont forget that Thursday, we are meeting at Gold's gym to do some YOGA. Next week, we are changing things up, and i will be sending you all notes letting you know what we are doing.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Changint things up a bit for month 2

I would like to mix things up this week, and wanted your feedback. One of the things I don’t like to do is continue doing the same thing week after week so we are going to change things up the next two weeks. All the changes are going to be beneficial to you, and are going to continue helping you, but I want to add a little “Shock” therapy to your bodies.
This week, I would like for us to have our workout today as planned, and then I would like for you all to do YOGA on Thursday at Gold’s Gym (Ill send you a pass via email or you can download online at
Next week, we are going to do some Track work, and I would like for you all to do a Pool workout. I can give you all instructions and you all can do it as a group.
Lastly, please if you can go out and pick up a Jump Rope (Preferably a weighted rope) available at Academy and Dick’s Sporting goods for about $6.00. In addition, pick up a kettlebell. We are going to be moving to more Kettlebell workouts than before. I would recommend at 15Lb KB, and if you have the means, purchase a 10, 15, 25, and or a 35Lb. You will eventually use all of them. (You can get a KB at any sporting good store and also available at Target. The Danskin we use is the cheapest priced one I have seen).

My target schedule for the next couple of weeks is:
Monday-The Test (The battlefield)
Wed-Moved to Thursday
Thursday-Yoga at Gold’s Gym Tech Ridge
Monday-Jump Rope Workout (Yes, a full day dedicated to jump Rope)
Wed-Pool Workout (Yes, a full workout at the Pool)
Monday-Track Work-Meeting at Hendrickson HS or at Kelley Lane Middle school at the track.
***After these 5 workouts, we will go back to our “regularly scheduled” workouts.

**Forgot to mention, you will need Goggles for the Pool workout.

Lastly, please let me know if you are interested in running the 5K I sent you info on in Sept.