Monday, June 29, 2009

The first Spartan-nette Results are in!

Today was the first "test" AKA 300. The ladies did a stand up job, and today we also had a new Spartanette, Kerrie.
Our top Spartanette was Amy C, banging out a stellar time of 14:44.. Way to go AC, and might I add, AC is our oldest Spartanette. :)
Today we welcomed Kerrie and she was able to hold her own, until a bout of not drinking water and not eating kicked in. Next time around we are expecting big things from Kerrie.
Top honors on the kettlebell go to Debralea (Perfect form on all 25 reps) and a GREAT job goes to Kari who finished second at a smooth time of 16:48 (would have faster if coach would have had a second Kettlebell)..
My beautiful Wife, Girlie did well today. She has come a long way from day one, and you can really see the improvement in her cardio and flexibility. I am sooo proud of my wife.

June 2009 "Test results: Top Sparanette Amy C
Amy C 14:44
Kari S 16:48
Girlie 19:34
DebraLea 20:37
Kerrie DNF (KB)
All in all, I am very proud of all my Spartan-nettes, you ladies are starting to be tough to contain with your new aerobic abilities. Great job to all.. Next month, I am expecting even better times.

On Wednesday we are back to our regular routines so stay hydrated, eat good and be ready..

Test Day for the Spartan-nettes

The 2009 Spartan-nettes (AKA, Chics who just had baby club and Amy)
Today is "test" day for the spartan-nettes. The purpose of test day is to see how much each person has improved their conditioning. Normally, in the past I have set up test day on the very first day of camp, and then again after 30 days.
For the "nettes" camp, I wanted to bring everyones level of conditioning to a basic level, and then do test day. Exactly one month from today will be test day again. We are going to take your time now, and then again in one month. This will be a good indicator on the improvements you have made. Numbers dont lie, and sometimes when on paper you see a difference, it is much easier to see your results.

The other beauty of Test day is that it is harder to cheat, you are only competiting against yourself and by not completing your sets, you cheat yourself. In a month, when we do your test again, it will have been up to you to have completed everything properly or have cheated, and you will never know your improvements.
Make sure you are extremely hydrated today, today's workout is fast, but intense so be ready....

Friday, June 26, 2009

The first month of "Spartan-nette" Camp

Next week will be the 4th week of Spartanette camp for all except our two new Spartanettes, DebraLea and Kari. By the way, welcome..!

For my other ladies, you all have done a great job and you may have noticed that the workouts are indeed getting harder, but you are actually getting in better shape that you should not or are not realizing that you are doing a lot more.

My goal for you is to bring your cardio way up, along with your overall stamina, endurance and strenght. Now, if you plan on losing some Lb's, DIET is going to be key.

If you need help with your diet, let me know, and or check out a few of the links under useful tips located on the right side of this blog.

Next week we will continue changing things up, and will do a bit more upper body rather than lower body workouts as we did last week. We will also have a Spartanette challenge to see where you are, and where you are going to be when we are done. Make sure to stretch this weekend, and if you can do a YOGA class (There is a YOGA Class at Gold's Gym at 11:30 Am at Tech Ridge on Saturday) so that your body is more flexible and the workouts get easier for you.

I hope you have a great weekend and see you next week.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Spartan-nettes End of Week 3

The Spartan-nettes (AKA, Chics that just had a baby club & AMY) is finishing week 3. Sorry I have not metnioned my new Spartan-nettes.
You ladies have been doing a great job, and I am seeing improvements in your cardio and especially your flexibility. At any time, if you want a workout to do on your own, please send me a note and I am happy to help you along with your diets.
Today is going to be a HOT day, please make sure to drink and bring plenty of fluids. You may want to conusme anything with High Sodium and Potassium. Eat a banana, and or drink a V-8. Also, dont forget, Recovery drinks are fantastic and help you with your endurance, recovery and helps avoid soreness.
Today's workout is going to be short, sweet and fast. We will stretch more than the workout will be, and will get a second quick stretch after the workout. With this heat, we need to avoid cramps and dehydration.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Goal #1 for 2009, 3M Half Marathon....Done
Goal #2 for 2009, Pflugerville Tri.....DONE..
Wow, what a day I had on Sunday, finally Tri time, and what a Tri it was. This was my first Tri, but definetly not my last. I was very nervous going into the weekend, but a good buddy of mine told me to "Enjoy the moment" and that I did. Wow, what an event.
I got to the Tri at 6:15 Am and there were already over 200 people there. The Tri started at 7:30 and my wave started at 7:45. I was mostly nervous about the swim, and for some reason the swim was the easiest of all. I was expecting to swim my 500 Meters in 15 minutes and ended up swimming in 13:42..

As soon as I got out of the water, off to the bike I went, I got out of the water around 7:58ish and was dressed and ready to go on the bike around 8:03 on the bike and got my momentum going. It was an exhilirating experience passing up people and unfortunately getting passed up. Once I got around the corner at mile 14, I began standing a bit more and stretching out my legs for the final round.. The 5K run. As soon as I got to my final transition, I got my running shoes on, hat and was off. The transition area is about 1 minute away from where my bike was.
As soon as I passed the starting line for the run, my legs were extremely heavy, and I honestly did not think I could go on. I kept mentally telling myself I could and to push through the pain. It was at this moment that I began to think of how "cool" it was going to be to knock out my run and finish what I set out to accomplish.

Around mile 2-3 I was passed by a younger girl who began to slow down when she passed me, then I passed her and so forth. We actually started chit chatting and it was good because it took my mind off things towards the end. Towards the end we both put in on overdrive and finished the race. Not only was I pushing myself, but I kept thinking of how awesome crossing the line would be and also to see my wife and daughter.. Sure enough, I finished the race, and the first person I saw was my wife. I then looked down and there was my Kendall Belle.. Oh what a day and what a finish. I have to admit, I got emotional at the end.

My goal was 1:30 and I finished right at 1:30:16 seconds... However, if it was not for my transitions, I would have been in the low 1:2XX's.. It took me about 4-6 minutes while getting dressed (which adds up to your time).

What did I learn from this: The first thing is that I can honestly accomplish anything I set my mind to. Second, it is a lot of work to get ready for a Tri, and my hat goes off to the IRONman folks. That is nothing but heart, just to finish is somethign else.

I look forward to my next TRI in 2010. For the remainder of the year, I will continue to train as if I was training for a TRI, but will focus on my Marathon on November 15, 2009 at the SAn Antonio Rock N Roll Marathon.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Almost there.

Almost there, just a few more days to TRI time. I cant wait. This training has been something else, sure has taken a lot of time but has been fun. The only regrets I have so far is the lack of training outside, a good bike and a workout buddy.
In looking back at my training, I am happy with what I have done, but do wish I would have swam outside more, gotten a better bike and had someone to workout with. Being that this is my first tri, it is a learning experience. I dont know if I will do another Tri, or how much I am going to like it on Sunday. But I do know that I have enjoyed Swimming, and biking a lot more than I thought I would. I do know that i will do my best to do the P-Ville tri every year. who knows maybe Ill do others, but for now I need to tackle one hurdle at a time.
Because the borrowed bike is too big for me, I have had issues with my neck and shouulders. I am going to have to rent one, and am pretty excited.
Tonight, I am doing YOGA and might get a quick jog in.. As I begin to taper down, i am doing less and less. I have not touched a weight all week, and plan on doing more stretching the rest of the week, and will try and get in the water tomorrow again.

Stay tuned

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Why Bother with Recovery Drinks"

I found this great article online, check it out:

Why Bother With Recovery Drinks?
By Jessica Seaton, D.C.

Post-exercise nutrition can improve the quality and the rate of recovery after a bout of serious exercise, such as a one hour swimming practice, a weight training session, or a longer run. Signs of poor recovery include fatigue, poor workouts, prolonged muscle soreness, lack of increased strength, and lack of increased muscle mass. Research has shown that nutrition ingested right after working out, and up to two hours later can drastically improve one’s recovery time.

From a physiological perspective, muscle fibers are made of protein and increase in size if the protein is synthesized. Exercise increases the breakdown in muscle protein while decreasing protein synthesis. It also depletes glycogen, which is what the muscles use for energy. Glycogen consists of glucose molecules. Finally, insulin levels are frequently reduced after exercise. Insulin is a hormone that enables the muscle cell to absorb glucose, to build glycogen, and amino acids used to build muscle protein, while decreasing the breakdown of muscle protein during the post-exercise period.

The goal of post-exercise nutrition is to replenish the glycogen stores and to encourage protein synthesis. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of glucose, the molecule used to build glycogen. By ingesting carbohydrates, you rapidly replenish your glycogen stores. This is important because consistently low glycogen stores lead to a breakdown of muscle protein and a loss of muscle mass. Carbohydrates increase the body’s insulin concentration. Insulin is essential for glycogen and protein synthesis. Carbohydrates also promote the release of growth hormone, which promotes protein synthesis, which in turn leads to increased muscle mass. Finally, carbohydrates decrease cortisol concentration. Cortisol, also known as a “stress hormone,” is released in response to both physical and psychological stress. During a workout, cortisol levels are increased, causing muscle protein to break down.

Several studies have shown that adding protein to a carbohydrate mix will significantly enhance the release of insulin compared to carbohydrate alone. The type of protein most quickly absorbed is whey hydrosylate. Adding amino acids to the protein increases their availability to be used as building blocks. The most important essential amino acid in a recovery drink is leucine, because it works synergistically with insulin to maximize protein synthesis.

The optimal post-recovery nutrition would be a drink consisting of carbohydrates and protein. The optimal form of carbohydrate for the recovery drink is glucose and glucose polymers (several glucose molecules), such as maltodextrin. The ideal protein is a protein hydrosylate, such as whey hydrosylate. The protein should also contain all of the essential amino acids, and in particular leucine

The drink should contain twice as much carbohydrate as protein, calculated at a rate of 0.8 grams of carbohydrate and 0.4 grams of protein for every kilogram of your body's weight.. For example, a 140 pound swimmer would calculate his or her carbohydrate and protein needs as follows:
140 lb. = 63.5 kg.
63.5 kg x 0.8 g/kg = 50 grams carbohydrate
63.5 kg x 0.4 g/kg = 25 grams protein
A 170 pound swimmer weighs 77 kilograms and would require 62 grams of carbohydrate and 31 grams of protein. A 120 pound swimmer is 54.4 kg and would require 43.5 grams of carbohydrate and 21.7 grams of protein.

Most athletes tolerate liquids better than food after a workout. Liquid also has the advantage of replenishing fluid lost during exercise, and is digested and absorbed more rapidly than solid food. Research has shown that if the recovery drink is consumed immediately after exercise, the rate of glycogen synthesis was three times higher than if it is consumed two hours later. Therefore, you should consume the drink as soon after exercising as possible.

There are several products on the market that will have this 2:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein. However, you should read the labels carefully, since most products are only protein with no carbohydrate. Examples of products that work well as a recovery aid are Twinlab’s Amino Fuel (the powder form) and Metabolol II™ (Champion Nutrition), both available at Pavillions in West Hollywood. I prepare the powdered drink at home, then before I shower I add water to the powder, shake it up, and have a few sips. I drink the rest while I’m dressing.

If it is impossible for you to find a drink or powder that meets these requirements, you could try mixing a protein powder into fruit juice. Protein alone is not nearly as effective as protein with carbohydrate. One cup of apple juice contains 31 grams of carbohydrate, a cup of cranberry cocktail 40 grams, and a cup of orange juice 27 grams. However, if the protein powder with fruit juice is not an option for you, simply having a glass or two of fruit juice right after work out would be much better for your recovery than nothing.

Jessica Seaton, D.C., is a chiropractic orthopedist in private practice in West Los Angeles. She is the current chair of the USMS Sports Medicine Committee, and swims with West Hollywood Aquatics. She can be reached at (310) 470-0282 or at

Tri two a days.

Today is a two day, Tri training and simulation. This morning hit weights only, a good solid full body workout which consisted of the following exercises:
3 Sets of each
1A Dumbell Step Back 30X10
1B Push ups 3X50
2A DB Step Ups 30X10
2B Pull ups 3X15
3A Romanian Deadlifts 3X135
3B Inverted Rows 3X15
Planks: 3X1 minute

PM Workout:
3 Mile run 3% incline intervals
45 minute bike ride
500 Meter Swim
For the Tri simulation tonight, I hope to complete in about 1:20 minutes. The actual Tri, I am hoping to complete in 1:30 or less. Tonight is going to be a good indicator.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Indoor training with Speed work

Today, the Tri workouts continue. This morning, I simulated a run-bike workout purposely fatiguiing myself so that when Tri time comes, I am ready.. Started the morning off with a 5 minute stretching session in the Sauna to get my mucsles ready. once I was loose, I got on the treadmill and set the speed at 6.7MPH at a 3% incline. The first 1/4 I increased my speed up to 7MPH on the turns, and 6.7 on the straigh away. On my third lap, I bumped up the straight away to 7 and 7.5 on the turn. Eventually on the last lap I went 8MPH-8.5MPH. I finished my first mile at 8:15.
Shortly after my warm up run, I jogged over to the bike and start pedaling. i went at a 8 resistance and shot for a goal of 7 miles in 19 minutes. Keeping the RPM's at over 110, I was able to finish my 7 miles in 19:29. Right after the ride, got back on the treadmill and again at a 3% incline ran a second mile.
By the time I got on the treadmill, my legs were shot (Good simulation) and had a tougher time running my last mile. With the resistance and the fact my legs were fatigued, I had a harder time, but was able to finish my second mile in about 9 minutes.
After my run-bike I got a good hip stretch and finished with session one..
At lunch I hope to get in a 800 Meter swim, and this PM, might get out for an afternoon ride.. But this will be a very very easy ride.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Two weeks to Tri..

Less than two weeks until my Tri. This is going to be a tough week as I will begin to ease off my training next week. Today is going to be a strong run on the treadmill at an incline, going for a cool 3 miles at a 3% incline and intervals. Tonight, hopefully getting in a bike ride. The rest of the week is going to intensify as i get ready for my big day.
Next week, I am still going to workout, but not as intense and I will be concentrating on stretching more than straining. Next week I plan on doing more Bikram Yoga (Hot) and regular Hatha. This saturday, I am taking a swim clinic at P-Ville lake (This is open to anyone) so that I can better understand how to swim in a lake. I have been swimming in a pool following a black line, but when the Tri comes, i wont have this luxury. Based on my practice swim last week, I definitely need this clinic.
I will be posting my daily workouts, stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tri Wednesday

Wednesdays tend to be my busiest and hardest workout days. This morning I kicked it off with indoor brick Training. I hit the treadmill for a 10 minute run with a 3% incline and running intervals. What I do on the treadmill is start at 6.3 MPH on the straightaway and then bump it up to 6.7 on the turns. I do this for the first lap (The treadmill at the gym has a track on the screen, if you dont have this, measure it by distance instead) and on the second lap, i bump the straightaway up to 6.5-6.9MPH. I do this for the first 2.5 laps. On the third lap, i go at a 6.7MPH speed do straightaway and on the turn I normally bump it up to about 7-7.2.. The last lap, i bump it up anywhere to 7.5-8.0MPH.
As soon as I am done with my run (normally about 8:30-9:05 mile) I jog over to the Stationary upright bike and ride for 20 minutes. I set the resistance at 8-9% and set a goal of 7 miles in 20 minutes. Currently I am doing about 7 miles in about 19:30.. Once I get down to 18:30 ish, I am going to bump up the resistance or try and hit the 8 mile marker in 20 minutes.
As soon as I am done with my 20 minutes, jog back over to the treadmill and do one mile again, but this time at a 2% incline, but I do start at a higher MPH. Today I started at 6.8MPH and went up to 9.0MPH for a 8:05 mile.
I have seen my speed improve on the road with the incline work I have been doing. I have been averaging mid to low 8 minute miles and am hoping to get to the 7 minute mark sometime.
AFter my cardio session, in an effort to build endurance I go over to the Chin up Rack and for two minutes I do one chin up and one prison push up. This gets to be quite tough, especially when you go more than 2 minutes. My goal is 5 minutes after my run and bike ride.
Today at lunch, I am capping off my Tri work with anywhere between 800-1200 meters..
Tonight after I get home, I am definitely going to get some stretching in, tomorrow is Weights and more running.. Friday is plyo's and cardio.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Less than 3 weeks to the TRI..

Almost game time, less than 3 weeks to go, and I am trying my best to be as ready as possible. The Tri training has been going well, yesterday i got in the lake and swam for the first time. It is definitely a difference between the lake and the Pool. Overall the swim went well and once I got out of the water (500 Meters) I decided to run a quick 3 mile strut.
Today, I am swimming 1200 Meters and in the afternoon I am going for another 3 mile run. Tomorrow is weight day and another bout of swimming or possibly some Bike Work. All this training is getting to be a bit overwhelming. Good thing I am eating some good foods, and keeping my Fitness log to tell me where I was last week, last month and where I am now. I am getting faster and my endurance is building.

Workout Log

It is imperative and extremely important to obtain and use a good workout and even diet Log. When you are working out, running or training for whatever event you are participating in, a workout log is heaven.

Personally, I have been using which is Free and logs my workouts and diet. With logs like this, you can go back and checkout your progress. For example, if you are training for a 5K and you are adding miles to your training, you can log your very first run and then look back 6 weeks later and see how much you have improved.

Last season, I kept a journal of all the spartan workouts, and times and results of all the challenges. Before we did a 300 or Spartan Challenge I would let people know what their previous time was so that they could try and beat their previous time. Personally, I use my log to make sure I am improving and set my PR (Personal Record) when i am running, biking, swimming and even rowing.

In addition, when lifting weights, you can add a small amount of additional weight from your previous workout. You do so many workouts that it is hard to remember every detail, and this is why I highly recommend some sort of Workout log.