Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kendall Belle!!!!!


Today is a very special day for my family, today is my baby girl's first birthday! What a year this has been, it seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital with our little girl in the NICU. We have been so blessed with such a wonderful little girl.

I look forward to watching my little girl grow and one day become a Spartan!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Diet, Diet, Diet..

Throughout the last month I have learned one thing, Diet is KEY to losing pounds and improving your performance in everything you do. I have been on every diet known to man, and have seen success with some, and not so much with others.
A few years ago, I had ballooned to 263Lbs right before I got married. I had never been that heavy, but going out for chips and drinks really sneaks up on you, and sneaks up quickly. When you think about it, a basket of chips, salsa and a Margarita is around 1000 calories.. And that is only the first basket of chips. After a meal, appetizer, and few other cocktails you are easily clearing 3-4K calories. Keep in mind, 3600 calories equals a pound.. So, how long does it take to burn 3600 calories versus eat them?
Anyhow, the point I am trying to make is that not only is it easy to eat TONS of calories, and hard to lose, but the quality of food you eat makes a world of difference.
So...What have I been doing at my end to test my recent discovery. I have put my body to the test in the last month since camp ended to see if I could truly see a difference in performance and weight. Like everyone else, I break down on the weekends and eat all the worse food I can possibly eat, drink one too many cocktails and worse of all, eat late at night.
For a few years I have been stuck at lets say 200Lbs. I have not been able to break into the 90's.. Outside of weight I have been training myself for my upcoming Triathalon, and I need to fuel my body with the best foods to perform at a higher level, increase my energy, and feel better. Clean living..
The first thing I have been doing, which I dont recommend is I have been weighing myself a few times per day. When I wake up, after the restroom, as soon as I get home, after I eat, before I go to bed and sometimes in the middle of the night. Why?? I wanted to see how much my body fluctuates with water weight, and how much difference food makes. I have noticed that I am normally about 2Lbs lighter in the morning than I am at night. I normally gain about 3-4lbs of water after a meal, and when I cheat and eat bad, I gain about 7lbs. This has helped me with making sure I dont eat foods that dont help me with my performance and weight. Outside of keeping the weight off, I have noticed that by eating certain foods, I perform better in the weight room and when I am running.
When running and working out, High Fiber and low fat foods have really helped, I dont feel as heavy as I normally would. Veggies, and lean protein makes me feel full, but not heavy, versus eating starchy food, and high in Fat. However, food like Pizza (in moderation) has indeed improved my performance especially when doing long cardio sessions. I truly see the difference in carbing up with the right foods.
I have not been following a specific diet, but have been trying to implement "The Zone" principles. I dont find the zone to be too terribly tough, and it is pretty easy. The concept is an easy one. 40%Carb, 30%Protien, and 30% Fat. You try and eat lean meats, and low-Glycemic index carbs. The fats are natural fats like Avocado, Olive Oil, peanuts, etc.
In following this principle I also noticed that I was not eating enough and the right foods for both losing weight and increasing my performance. now that I am eating better, lets say 80% of the time, I am really feeling the effects. My pants are loser and my performance has increased as I get ready for my first TRI..
I hope to lose another 10-12Lbs in the next month, and hope to keep the weight off with my new found principles.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beach to Bay, Spartan Style.

This past weekend was Beach to Bay in rememberance of our Armed forces. The Beach to Bay is a marathon Relay consisting of a 6 man/woman team. Average person runs about 4.34 Miles and this marathon relay, now in its 34th year draws about 1500 plus teams.

Featured are 4 Spartans, (Left to Right) Pete Otero, LaVance Randle, Tim Randle and Donnie Phleps. Stay tuned for more pictures of this exciting event.

Our tean did really well, with the exception of the 4th leg where I (my bad) was late to the handoff and cost our team some time. :( If everyone was not running so extremely fast i would have been able to arrive on time.. In any event, there were so many runners out there and our team did great. Look forward to doing this again.

Spartan Spotlight: Laura Guzman

Spartan Spotlight: Larua Guzman

This is Laura Guzman, and she has been an active all season long. Laura has greatly improved her already physically fit self. At times you can spot Laura competing with the boys in all aspects, including push ups. Here is what Laura had to say:

"Since January, when I started boot camp, I have dropped 2 pant sizes and lost about 5 lbs. of fat.
I have more stamina and am stronger. I have always been a healthy eater, so good eating habits in conjunction with daily activity keeps me in shape. Goal: Drop another 5 lbs. and do a couple of boy pull-ups. "

Way to go Laura, look forward to you knocking out those pull ups.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spartan Spotlight: Mark Neubauer

Spartan Spotlight: Mark Neubauer

Talk about a true Spartan, here is Mark at the Mecca of it all, the Roman Coliseum.. Wow, what a site. Mark has been with us since mid season last year, and I personally have seen a lot of change in Mark, especially his stamina. This is what Mark had to say about this season:

I wanted to let you know I certainly think that I made improvements in terms of stamina, and pull-ups

I don’t have any before and after pictures as I didn’t really drop very much weight. I improved in many areas, however my weight stayed pretty much the same until I went on vacation.

Thanks, looking forward to next se

Monday, May 11, 2009

Spartan Spotlight: Joe Ribaudo

Spartan Spotlight: Joe Ribaudo
This is Joe Ribaudo, one of our Spartans, and here are his results from Spartan Camp:
I started bootcamp weighing 252lbs and I haven’t worked out in 5 months. The first night I was hurting the whole time during the 300 and could not run ½ mile. The next day I started a no-carb diet and instantly lost 7lbs the first week. I continued the boot camp 2 nights a week and started doing my own “Startan Workout” on my own during the weekends. On nights I do not work out I usually take my son for about ½ hour walk around the neighborhood and do push-ups and sit ups at night before bed. We have now reached our half way point for the year and this morning I weighed 213lbs. Not bad for myself, 39lbs…

I also want thank you, Pete, for taking the time and helping all of us train for the past 3 months. At first I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into and some nights regretting going to bootcamp because of the pain and soreness, but I’ve been having a great time and it’s paid off. I am looking forward to the second half.

Thanks again Pete, you’re the best

Friday, May 8, 2009

Team Miracle is all set

Tomorrow is the big day for Team Miracle. My little girl's big march is tomorrow. Join us in the walk if you can. Details are below

Auditorium ShoresMay 9, 2009Auditorium Shores400 W Riverside DriveAustin, TX 78704

After the run, there is a Free BBQ at the Dell tent. The walk starts at 9:30, but people are being urged to arrive at 9:00 and have some breakfast, also at the Dell tent.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Final day is here!

Today is the final day of Spartan camp, and before I talk about today's workout, i do want every one of you to know how proud of you I am. There were a good amount of you who showed up to every workout and pushed when you were tired and did not feel like working out. Some of you lost a good amount of weight and some of you definietly got stronger and increased your stamina. I am unsure at this time how much time we are going to be off, but when it is time, I will send you all a new invite.. i will be updating our blog with my own personal workouts, so feel free to take them and either fine tune them or follow them as is. My concentration for the next 4 weeks is going to be my Triathalon which is in June, and so a lot of what I am doing is for increasing stamina, endurance and strenght. Of course, along the way I am going to lose some weight and get a bit stronger.
Once we kick off camp again, we will start once again with our 300 workout and build up again. We will start with a basic 300 and gradually build up. If you have any suggestions or anything you would like to see at next camp, please feel free to either post your comments or send me a note directly.
Ok, finally, for today's activities. Today is the "300" but it will not be the Final 300, but a basic 300 so everyone can enjoy themselves and finish camp on a good note. I will get something ready for tonight, and hope to see you all tonight.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Spartan Challenge Results

Great to job to everyone yesterday. Based on the numbers, overall everyone improved and that is a great thing since numbers dont lie. Below is your average for both attempts. Below yesterdays results are the previous results. I only posted numbers for those of you that were in attendance.
I cant point out a single person on yesterdays performance, since EVERYONE did improve. In addition to improving, the weather was a bit warm, and that would slow you down, but even in the heat, you all improved. This is a great feeling watching all of you improve in all areas. I am very proud of you all. Great job to everyone.
I hope you bring the same enthusiasm tomorrow to the final Spartan Workout...

Name Push Up Pull up box Jump cable Pull 1/2 mile run
LV 59 13.5 28 155 3:09:00
Tre 63.5 25 27.5 145 0:03:27
Tim 43 9 23 225 0:03:57
Alan 66 29.5 30.5 40 3:17:00
Stephanie 50.5 23.5 29 140 0:03:21
Joe 44.5 10.5 28.5 185 0:04:27
JC 48.5 14 25 170 0:04:12
Yvonne 36 24.5 27 120 0:04:17
Thomas 64.5 24.5 33.5 100 0:03:24
Ndegwa 80 21.5 31 160 0:04:07
Julie 35.5 25.5 26.5 140 0:04:33

Name Push up Pull up Box Jump Cable Run
Joe 39.5 4.5 22 175 8:21

Julie 41 22 26 170 9:08

LaVance 56 11.5 17 110 7:10

Tim 39.5 8.75 25 185 7:53
Thomas 65 20.5 36.5 205 7:51
Ndegwa 91 19.5 26.5 150 7:53

JC 57.5 6 31 190 12:33
Alan 78 23.5 31 220 7:41

See you all tomorrow..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Camp tonight.

Is on, so have your A Game.

Last Week of Camp

This is our final week of camp before we go on break, and today is our second Spartan Challenge so be ready!
We will be doing the same workout we did before, and below are your times, and reps. Your challenge today is to beat your previous time.

Name Push up Pull up Box Jump Cable Run
Joe 39.5 4.5 22 175 8:21 2:05
Matt 33.5 3.75 23.5 125 11:58 2:59
Julie 41 22 26 170 9:08 2:17
LaRhonda 39.5 22 21 130 12:47 3:11
Donnie 88 30 18.5 120 9:04 2:16
LaVance 56 11.5 17 110 7:10 1:47
Valdrew 58 16 23.5 165 7:28 1:52
Tim 39.5 8.75 25 185 7:53 1:58
Thomas 65 20.5 36.5 205 7:51 1:57
Ndegwa 91 19.5 26.5 150 7:53 1:58
Sherry 28.5 7.5 13 70 12:43 3:10
Felicia 38.5 10 22 140 13:47 3:26
Jason 66 12.75 36.5 225 8:39 2:09
Laura 55 26.5 26.5 205 7:30 1:52
JC 57.5 6 31 190 12:33 3:08
Alan 78 23.5 31 220 7:41 1:55